SCRAMASAX von Beagnoth, ohne Inschrift

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The Seax of Beagnoth (Thames scramasax) is a long single-edged knife from 10th-century (Anglo-Saxon). It was found in the River Thames in 1857 (now exhibited at the British Museum in London). It is a prestige weapon with inlaid copper, bronze and silver wire. On one side of the blade is the inscription of the twenty-eight letter Anglo-Saxon runic alphabet, as well as the name "Beagnoth" in runic letters. Runes on the blades have magical function. The inscription Beagnoþ or Beagnoth ᛒᛠᚷᚾᚩᚦ (a male name), is probably a name that of the maker or original owner of the blade.

The seax was found by Henry J. Briggs in the River Thames near Battersea. It was originally described as the Scramasax of the Franks, of which examples are very rare in England.

Inscribing runes on weapons has a long tradition in northern countries. This is an esample from Edda, poem Sigrdrífumál. The valkyrie Sigrdrífa teaches the hero Sigurd how to engrave runes on his sword:

"Sigrúnar þú skalt kunna,
ef þú vilt sigr hafa,
ok rísta á hialti hiǫrs,
sumar á véttrimum,
sumar á valbǫstum,
ok nefna tysvar Tý"

"Victory runes you must know
if you will have victory,
and carve the on the sword's hilt,
some on the grasp
and some on the inlay,
and name Tyr twice."

Our replica is a simple one without runes. Because handle was not preserved we found our inspiration in Ulm Museum, Germany.

  • Material: high-carbon spring steel CSN 14 260 (54SiCr6)
  • Total length: 72cm
  • Blade length: 55cm
  • Max. blade thickness: 5mm
  • Max. blade width: 4.2mm
  • Wooden handle: 4.2 x 18.2 cm (2 cm thick)
  • Blade: sharp
  • Manufactured by Arma Epona smithy